martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

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       Race is a form to organized a large group of people according to physical differences, language and religion. Many people had different questions about race such as: Where did race come from?, Is race real or is just in our head? or How many races you think there are?

       Based on the wed site, The Power of an Illusion, race is not real, it is only a modern idea that gives people opportunities and resources. Over the time society had seen the black people as the lower race and the whites as the power race. As the web site explain, race does not exist but racism is real. Sometimes people can confused race and racism because is a way to divide and create difference between people of different aspects.

       In conclusion, race is not real. Race is only a word that exits in our head and it makes people see others different. All People are equal, it does not matter their skin color, language or religion they belong to, we all still equal. In my opinion race is only a word to express that people looks physically different to other.  Ancient society did not divide people in any group, all the members of the society were equal. 


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