domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Origin of a Conflict

       Conflict is a battle, struggle or fight between two persons or groups because of a disagreement or opposition. Each conflict have a different origin and people are involved in order to get into an agreement or to gain more power. Most of the conflicts began when there are differences between the people or when they are not agree in one decision. 

       A group is composed of different people with different beliefs and ideas. One of the main cause of a conflict is the differences between the members of the group. Every person is different and each person had their own ways of thinking. This means that what for you is good for others is going to be bad. When there are different beliefs in a group, people should leave and find a group with the same belief or with the same way of thinking before they began a conflict. Disagreements is also another fact that led to a conflict. 

       Another cause of a conflict are the decisions or laws that are established in a group. When I said laws and decisions, I refer to the disagreements that exist between the people. In a group, decisions should be decided by everyone in order to indulge all the members. Laws should be established democratically so that every one have a vote and voice in the group. Differences and Disagreements are some of the main causes of the conflict. 

       In order to avoid a conflict people should find a group with the same belief and way of thinking, they must have a voice an vote, all members of the groups are equally and they should be united in order to form on peace and happy nation or group.  

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Social Studies Class

 My name is Valentina Infante. I was born on February 15, 1996. I study at Colegio Panamericano, I am in 12th grade (senior year). Dogs are my favorite animals, Rebecca is my french bull dog. After graduating from school I want to study Industrial Ingeneering at Los Andes in Bogota. I have many dreams and goals that I want to accomplish during my life time.

                                                                    Middle East

      Middle East is facing a conflict because there is a controversy between the people. The conflict in Middle East started before World War II when romans were controlling Israel. Another fact of the problem is the power of lands. People want to take power over land with oil in order to gain more money. Some citizens are against the goverment and some people are been discriminated because of religions beliefs. Middle East was divided into two parts; Israel and Palestine. Both Countries want to claim Jerusalem as their capital city because it is a holy city for both religión (Muslim and Jews). In other words, Middle East is facing a serious problem because there are no solution that will make everyone happy.